Press Release

de Novo Partners with ERP Risk Advisors to Optimise Risk Management for Clients

de Novo has entered into a new partnership with ERP Risk Advisors to provide a more comprehensive and tailored risk management program for their clients

Langstone, Wales – 29th March 2023: de Novo Solutions, a leading provider of industry vertical solutions, digital transformation and business support services for both Oracle Cloud and ServiceNow applications, has today announced a new partnership with ERP Risk Advisors, a well-respected and trustworthy provider of Risk Advisory services for organisations using Oracle Applications.

ERP Risk Advisors specialises in helping organisations to identify, assess, and manage risks related to their ERP systems, including financial, operational, and compliance risks. The partnership will mean de Novo can offer clients a more comprehensive and tailored risk management program, helping clients to better understand and manage their risks and stay ahead of any potential threats.

ERP Armor, ERP Risk Advisors’ flagship product, is being leveraged by organisations all over the world to identify, manage, and mitigate risk for their Oracle applications and other ERP systems, a significant challenge for organisations given the constant changes introduced by quarterly patches provided by Oracle.

The partnership between de Novo Solutions and ERP Risk Advisors will provide organisations with comprehensive services to analyse, design, and remediate their ERP and HCM role-based access control (RBAC) systems. This is an important aspect of IT security as RBAC allows organisations to control access to sensitive information and systems. By analysing and designing RBAC systems, organisations can ensure that only authorised users have access to critical systems and data, reducing the risk of security breaches and improving compliance with relevant regulations and standards. With the expertise of both organisations combined, clients can be assured that their RBAC systems are well-designed and effective in managing access to their critical systems and data.

Ian Carline, Chief Technology Officer at de Novo said, “We are delighted to be working with ERP Risk Advisors in order to help our clients improve their IT security and compliance posture. This is an important area for businesses, as security risks and compliance requirements are constantly evolving, and organisations need to stay ahead of these changes to protect their assets and maintain their regulatory compliance in order to avoid costly security breaches and compliance violations, which can have significant financial and reputational impacts.”

Jeff Hare, CEO at ERP Risk Advisors said, “Our new partnership with de Novo has the potential to be a game-changer for organisations looking for comprehensive ERP support throughout the life cycle of their system. By leveraging de Novo’s expertise in ERP system implementation and ongoing support, and ERP Risk Advisor’s expertise in IT security and compliance, organisations can ensure that their ERP systems are well-maintained, secure, and compliant with regulatory requirements, allowing them to focus on their core business activities with confidence, knowing that their ERP systems are in very good hands.”

About de Novo
We are de Novo. The Experience Economy Consultancy. We create data-driven, personalised experiences over standardised business processes for the experience economy, providing organisations with valuable insights into their customers and employees.

It is our unique entrepreneurial background and diverse thinking that fundamentally differentiates ourselves from our competitors. We work across all industries, combining our experience as entrepreneurs, consultants and practitioners to deliver innovation and generate value for our clients through the power of Oracle SaaS Cloud and ServiceNow technologies.

We are a team of innovators, disruptors and straight-talkers, who are not afraid to challenge the status quo in order to support our clients in pioneering change in the fast-moving experience economy.

Excel in the digital world. Experience a different approach. Engage de Novo.

See how we’re different. Please visit or email


About ERP Risk Advisors
ERP Risk Advisors is a risk content company for ERP systems and technology tools. Our content, ERP Armor, is used by organizations and external auditors to identify and manage risk. We also assist organizations in identifying and implementing GRC-related software from industry-leading companies.

Please visit:

Contact Info
Michelle Clelland, Marketing Experience Lead, de Novo Solutions 
+44(0) 7410 406 450

Jeff Hare, CPA CIA CISA, Founder and CEO, ERP Risk Advisors

Published on April 14, 2022

Oracle Evolves Again with Oracle Me

It only seemed like yesterday I wrote my last blog article, in-fact it was 11th January 2021!, I have been so busy with de Novo (#wearedenovo) and my obligations to the wonderful ERP Today, that I have just not had time to write. However, after a great night out with the #Certusalumni – the original pioneers of Oracle SaaS Cloud – Ian Carline, Richard Atkins and Rob English along with an alcohol induced headache and watching todays announcement from Oracle regarding Oracle Me, I was inspired to metaphorically put pen to paper and write…

Change the Conversation

‘Change the conversation’ a phrase that I have heard and used many times myself. When pioneering, searching for new ideas, seeking out new markets and looking for the next opportunity or market trend, you can easily get dragged back into what is the status quo and existing market behaviours.

The ability to find inspiration can come from the most unlikely of sources, something you remember from years ago, something you read, something you discuss with friends over a bottle of wine in a restaurant (thank heavens we can do the most normal of normal things again), something on a side of a bus?

Studying market behaviour in the technology industry I personally find fascinating. A market of many stakeholders – buyers and sellers from platform vendors, system integrators, ISV’s and of course customers to name just a few. Behind all of this you cannot ignore the VC’s, Private Equity and the Business Angels, providing the much-needed risk capital to fuel innovation.

Understanding and seeing what resonates, whilst also watching the latest trend as it comes and goes, and most importantly identifying the cyclical pattern which many do not even consider let alone embrace to their advantage is fundamental in determining a winning proposition.

Evolution of the Experience Economy – Its Happening in front of Us!

I have now been writing, let alone investing money and time (the most valuable of assets) in the #experienceeconomy for over two years now. Slowly but surely, through the delivery of new technology capability and the focus on deep personalisation within industry vertical solutions, the playing field we know as the enterprise, or more specifically enterprise resource planning (ERP) is changing.

Being an systems implementer with industry domain experience, references, people with vendor certifications and an ability to compete effectively on price (don’t get me started on that!) has been ‘table stakes’ for years. Somewhere along the line SaaS became a commodity play and everyone forgot about value creation.

Regardless, the industry has moved on, and whilst significant amounts of buyer education still needs to be undertaken, the move to delivering industry vertical solutions by personalised experiences over standardised business processes is gaining more and more traction.

Salesforce has always been in the mix; ServiceNow fundamentally changed as a company and its positioning using its Now technology platform; as well as Microsoft becoming more and more vocal around industry solutions have unquestionably all been leading the way.

Finally, Oracle or ‘big red’ as I still refer to it, has awoken and firmly announced its direction of travel having to recognise the need to be more active in an ever changing game, and the need to respond effectively to the onslaught of experience platforms over the past two years from the competition.

The Importance of Oracle Me Announcement – Empowering the Client’s People

Crystal ball prediction time and I stress again that this is just my personal opinion.

What we have seen with Oracle’s public announcement today, is a whole lot more than more SaaS product innovation with Oracle Me. In a single word its ’empowerment!’.

Whilst it always takes time for Oracle to pivot, its resources are frankly unlimited and it has the ability to gain momentum quickly and accelerate pass the competition. Often this is when Oracle is at its most dangerous as a competitor.

We have seen this several times before, from the days of on-premise, to most recently in what was the first era of the Cloudwars with Workday which seemed miles ahead, only for Oracle eventually to power past as it delivered a single unified system in ERP, HCM, Payroll and SCM together, whilst adding Digital Assistant very early on. Anyone in the ERP ecosystem will tell you, the suite play always trumps best of breed in a back-office enterprise, and Oracle achieved this with aplomb and continues to do so to this day.

Oracle through Oracle ME is recognising the hybrid Cloud era and providing the tools for connectively, communication and collaboration that are required to deliver employee experiences that matter that go way beyond the transactional base of a SaaS Cloud ERP system. A place I will argue where Workday is still at, and SAP is still getting there – they seemed to miss the first Cloud era altogether. These Vendors however are no longer the competition.

Most importantly the Oracle ME tools buy-in to the low code, no code platform concept and empower the Client to take control of its configuration. Systems Integrators beware!

Today, with the announcement of Oracle ME, it is just as an important announcement as when Oracle firstly announced Fusion SaaS back in 2011!

Oracle is publicly signalling awareness, accepting the landscape is changing, and acknowledging to stay relevant it needs to evolve. This is how I interpret events today, and April 2022 is a time I would suggest that everyone will point back to in years to come.

In essence, Oracle has changed the conversation about their product offerings in one go. The #experienceeconomy isn’t about technology platforms, it’s about creating digital experiences that empowers individuals to undertake a task or action efficiently and effectively at any given moment in time, recognising that the majority of people do not work in functional silos. Oracle Me does that, the prediction being that Oracle repositions itself selling personalised industry solutions.

It will be interesting now to see if my prediction comes true, but if it does, as far as Oracle is concerned it started today. Game on…

#oracle #oraclecloud #saas #cloud #oraclehcmcloud #oracleerpcloud #experienceeconomy #digital #digitaltransformation #oracleme #wearedenovo

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time and I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind. This blog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time and as such any thoughts or opinions expressed within out of date posts may not be the same or similar to those that I hold today.

Double trouble for this digital edition so I thought I would pull in some additional expertise and commentary again from Libby Mason, recognised organisation and change management expert. So, here’s another episode from the Mark and Libby show…

Over the last 18 months we have seen the constant rise in the industry narrative from the SaaS cloud platform providers regarding the importance of delivering ‘experiences that matter’. Historically this narrative was heavily focussed on the end customer, but with a tectonic shift in how we manage our work and our workforce there is a wave of experience platforms which are now focussed on the employee as the customer.

SaaS ERP cloud over the past decade has delivered capability through leading business processes; whilst this is no longer new, it provides the foundation of any enterprise change as this becomes the base for future innovation. We have seen in the last few months that even the likes of Oracle, which is clearly one, if not the market leader of ERP and HCM SaaS cloud technology reacting to the relentless onslaught from the likes of Salesforce and ServiceNow with its ‘Oracle journeys’ in regard to the experience economy.

The gathering momentum around delivering relevant, timely and easy to access experiences to employees is fast becoming an element in any company’s competitive advantage. This is becoming the new benchmark in the digital world. Organisations in both public and private sectors are now making the link between improved employee and business performance, enabled by SaaS cloud platforms, delivering better services to their end customer by enabling their own workforce to do their jobs effectively. 

Future blueprint – building value through great experiences 

Whilst everyone seems naturally to dive immediately into ‘digital journey mapping’, which is a necessary activity and usually accommodated by a nice set of PowerPoint slides, let’s step back and address the basics.

Start with the end 

A lot of organisations fall into the trap of buying shiny new tools and then going to find problems to fix with them without really understanding which challenges are the most important to solve or which opportunities to prioritise. Cloud is a journey; you’re not going to get there all at once, so start with the experiences that are most important to building value and momentum for your organisation and determine which parts of those experiences are critical to quality. It will be different for every organisation and will span every process area from recruitment and onboarding, to procurement, to invoicing. Consider what you need to get right to succeed.

Cloud is a journey; you’re not going to get there all at once

Get your business model right 

Even when technology is deployed in the right way, if the operating model isn’t right, and the right employees are neither empowered nor have the right skills to do their jobs, then organisations can’t succeed. The people and organisational side of the equation is and always will be just as important. Experience platforms depend on having the right people doing the work, in the right place in the organisation, with the right skills and behaviours – getting this aligned up-front means we need to consider how to adapt our business to work in a new way. It will mean new roles, new skills, new behaviours and a new business logic to drive enhanced workflows.

The cloud SaaS design principle of ‘adopt, not adapt’ has not gone away. You need to decide up-front which technology platform’s processes you wish to ‘adopt’ as they all work differently – a ‘vendor agnostic’ strategy when designing the operating model only leads to significant rework. It’s like putting the cart before the horse, so don’t sit on the fence, as technology platform choice is not something you should kick down the road.

This is not an easy transition to make for many organisations. Trusting and empowering employees at the right levels in organisations is the best way to reduce unnecessary hand offs and eliminate waste in processes. This means challenging traditional approaches to managing control and often means reshaping individual and whole teams’ roles and accountabilities.  

Understanding organisational maturity will help to prioritise investment in upskilling and improving in areas where the experiences will have the greatest impact. 

Understand the data and get it right 

The data architecture of an organisation is absolutely critical. How many times do we come across poor quality data being held in siloed applications? For experience platforms to deliver genuine value, organisations need to spend more time thinking about the data model (including the end-to-end business logic like workflows, approvals). 

At a minimum, deploying an ERP SaaS cloud system becomes the first step in capturing and maintaining standardised datasets through the execution of standardised business processes. Elements to consider: 

For employees to be effective in the moment, they need the right data at their fingertips enabling informed decision making. 

Who is leading the way?

Done correctly, successful organisations: focus on business outcomes; break down delivery silos; create positive employee experiences without frustration and perceived bureaucracy; and consider human behaviours alongside technology fit. Examples include: 

Lloyds Bank deployed ServiceNow to address the problem of managing complex IT infrastructure across 100,000 people where data fragmentation across such organisations is commonplace in the financial services industry. Lloyds now has a cohesive view of its critical business processes. This has led not only to significant improvements in control, cost reduction and regulatory compliance but more importantly it has empowered employees, reducing frustration in the process! It also now has an experience platform for building continuous improvement across all areas of the business beyond the back-office enterprise.

Unilever is another example of an organisation which is leading the way in unifying the employee experience across its ERP/HCM cloud estate. Salesforce is deployed as the seamless engagement layer over their estate to simplify employee interaction, whilst still taking advantage of SaaS standardised business processes. This strategy has significantly improved employee productivity and reduced the reliance on employee helpdesks.

Eye on the prize

Experience platforms offer the potential to unlock significant value, enabling organisations to deliver performance enhancing services to their employees. This prize can only be achieved when you understand what is important to your organisation; know the cloud SaaS technology you are going to deploy and put in place an operating model and the data you need to support achieving that ambition. Without it, you will be left wondering why you’re not getting the value and what is wrong with the technology……spoiler alert, it’s not the technology!    

Trusting and empowering employees at the right levels in organisations is the best way to reduce unnecessary hand offs and eliminate waste in processes

Mark Sweeny, founder and chief executive, de Novo Solutions 
Libby Mason, founder, Alluvion Consulting

Clive Swan, the former SVP for application development at Oracle, has joined de Novo Solutions as non-executive director. We don’t usually cover appointments, but this hire is a significant feather in the cap for de Novo, which is effectively a start-up led by former Certus and Accenture execs, Mark Sweeny and Tim Warner.

Swan’s career at Oracle spanned more than 30 years – all in application development – ultimately leading the HCM product roadmap.

Read the full article on ERP Today here.

Press Release

de Novo Solutions Advances to a Premier Partner in the ServiceNow Partner Programme

Welcome to the Experience Economy #wearedenovo 

Langstone, Wales, United Kingdom – 15 November 2021: de Novo Solutions today announced its advancement to a Premier Partner in the ServiceNow Partner Program. de Novo Solutions supports ServiceNow customers with a range of industry vertical solutions and personalised experiences across front, middle and back offices leveraging the ServiceNow Now Platform®. 

de Novo Solutions creates personalised experiences over standardised processes using digital workflows across the enterprise, enabling all aspects of work. By using an experience-based enterprise architecture de Novo integrates front, middle and back-offices accelerating the digitalisation of work throughout the enterprise, transforming the way work is delivered to an organisation’s customers. 

Alex Alexandru, VP Finance Experiences, said “We are incredibly excited to announce this milestone in the ServiceNow Partner Program. It’s great to be recognised for our capabilities and success and demonstrates our commitment to the Now Platform®. We look forward to working closely with ServiceNow and our customers in developing and implementing industry vertical solutions creating personalised experiences using digital workflows across the enterprise”. 

Craig Roch, VP HCM Experiences, said “This milestone demonstrates our ever-increasing investment in the ServiceNow® Now Platform and recognising that the enterprise technology landscape is constantly evolving as hybrid cloud structures take hold and become the enabler for the experience economy. Congratulations to the #wearedenovo family that have strived to achieve this certification”.   

de Novo Solution’s transition to the Premier Partner recognizes achievements in the ServiceNow partner assessment methodology, which identifies the activities, accomplishments, and commitments that demonstrate de Novo Solution’s level of ServiceNow investment and go-to-market maturity. 

About de Novo Solutions

de Novo Solutions is a ServiceNow and Oracle Partner. It is a provider of industry vertical solutions, digital transformation and business support services for both ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud Applications.

About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is making the world of work, work better for people. Our cloud-based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. For more information, visit:

ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.   

Contact Info

de Novo Solutions
Alex Alexandru 
+44(0) 1633 492 042 

As Featured in ERP Today | Written by Paul Esherwood, Editor in Chief, ERP Today

Can a new entrant change the game in the experience economy?

Getting the band back together is not always a prudent idea. How many times have we seen legends reform in their twilight years only to undo their previous good work and rewrite their legacy with a failed attempt at making it again? Pink Floyd (Momentary Lapse of Reason), The Pixies (Indy Cindy), Guns ‘N Roses (Chinese Democracy) and Queen (The Cosmos Rocks), to name just a few, have all tarnished their position in history with comebacks that were a pale comparison to their heyday. 

There are exceptions of course. Bowie aged like a fine wine after his evolution from Ziggy Stardust. The Detours reformed into the legendary, The Who. Even Take That, post Robbie, became credible following their unlikely comeback. There are plenty of other things that are better the second time round too – but that’s a conversation for another day.

So how does this music analogy translate into the tech world? Well, one of the industry’s most recognisable characters is starting over in an attempt to recreate some of the magic he enjoyed with his previous business, Certus Solutions.

Read the full article on ERP Today here.

Press Release

Introducing de Novo Solutions
(“de Novo”)

Announcing the return of Tim Warner and Mark Sweeny and introducing de Novo Solutions. 

London, United Kingdom – 21 September 2021: Building upon their previous entrepreneurial endeavours in creating, growing and exiting one of the first third party professional services firms dedicated to Oracle Cloud Applications in the UK&I, Tim Warner and Mark Sweeny today announced the launch of a new technology company for the emerging experience economy marketplace – de Novo Solutions.

Traditionally, SaaS Cloud enterprise ERP applications are designed in functional silos and do not always reflect the way employees work. The workers of today demand consumer-grade, virtually seamless digital experiences that help empower and enable them to deliver services efficiently and effectively to the customers or citizens they serve.

With a projected services to product ratio of 3:1, the total addressable market size of the professional services industry, supporting the experience economy, is estimated at $330 billion globally. The opportunity for an alternative dedicated focused consultancy offering against the large Systems Integrators and Management Consultancies can be significant.

de Novo is a boutique consultancy focused upon the experience economy specialising in creating industry vertical experiences and blueprints using ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud Applications.

The new organisation has said it is seeing many former executives and employees returning to pioneer into this exciting marketplace in both public and private sectors, with their goal to build another great British company, actively contribute to rebuilding the economy, and generating sustainable jobs in the UK technology sector.

Tim Warner, Chairman, said “We have watched the enterprise applications SaaS marketplace evolve, and again see the opportunity to pioneer and positively disrupt the systems integrator landscape. Pioneering new technology solutions, creating industry vertical solutions, and leading from the front made our previous ventures successful. de Novo is enhancing a formula for success and having many of the old team return we know we can achieve what we are setting out to be one of the very best systems integrators in the experience economy”.

Mark Sweeny, Chief Executive, said “Neither Tim nor myself are individuals that have ever accepted the status quo, and delivering innovation means bringing positive disruption to the marketplace. Where others talk about doing things, we have always surrounded ourselves with people that go and make things happen. We are in the era of hybrid Cloud architectures and experience workforce platforms, and it is great to be part of both the ServiceNow and Oracle families. Exciting times lay ahead and the team we have assembled are some of the very best industry recognised consultants that not only have deep product expertise, but also know how to build a great business and fuel customer advocacy for our services”.

About de Novo Solutions

de Novo Solutions is a ServiceNow and Oracle Partner. It is a provider of industry vertical solutions, digital transformation and business support services for both ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud Applications.

About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is making the world of work, work better for people. Our cloud-based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. For more information, visit:

ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.   

Contact Info

de Novo Solutions
Alex Alexandru 
+44(0) 1633 492 042 

Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) applications are constantly evolving embracing new levels of innovation as the world we work in continues to change and user’s expectations constantly increase.

The first generation of Cloud SaaS applications was focused upon the application Vendors establishing a comprehensive suite of SaaS services -Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain, HR and Payroll across the Back Office, but as we enter the new decade the focus of the market is now moving towards the experience economy.

The experience economy literally redefines the way we work, recognising that People do not work in functional silos.

Whether the experience presented is for an end customer or for an employee the market is constantly evolving with the next evolution of enterprise Cloud solutions based upon delivering personalised experiences over standardised processes by digitalised workflows.

Creating personalised experiences not only takes advantage of the new breed of technologies that are now available such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and adaptive analytics, but also allows implementations to be undertaken with an understanding of human behaviour of engagement and a fresh perspective as to how we can connect customer to employees and digitalise operational processes that span the enterprise support service delivery.

Introducing de Novo

de Novo Solutions is both a ServiceNow and Oracle Partner, allowing us to reach further across the enterprise connecting Client and citizens to employees creating experiences driven by digital workflows.

de Novo Solutions brings to the market its own Experience Architecture through the use of ServiceNow and Oracle SaaS Cloud, taking advantage of the strengths of both platforms to unlock hidden value with an enterprise.

ServiceNow and the Now platform provides the enterprise-wide platform that allows us to create personalised work experiences through digital workflows pulling in data from multiple front and back office systems; as well external 3rd party systems where required.

Oracle SaaS Cloud provides leading practice standardised processes across Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain, HR and Payroll.

It is this combination of platforms forming a hybrid Cloud structure that unlocks maximum opportunity for any Organisation, allowing it to personalise its employee experience, whilst having the security and knowledge that’s its underlying business processes are standardised ensuring data integrity.

Press Release

de Novo Appoints Peter Jenkins as VP of Business Development and Board Member

Langstone, Wales – 17 January 2022:  de Novo Solutions is delighted to announce the appointment of Peter Jenkins as VP of Business Development. Peter will join the Board of Directors from 1st February 2022.

Tim Warner, Chairman said “Peter was instrumental in teaming myself and Mark Sweeny back together again in the post Certus era. His ability to understand customer’s pain points, solve their problems and ability to work closely with the platform vendors in making their sales teams successful has long been the secret to our own success. His experience, knowledge and direction as part of the de Novo Board will be most welcome as we move forward on our journey”.​

Mark Sweeny, Chief Executive said “Peter has been a long-time mentor to both Tim and myself over the years and played a key part in the sale of Certus. His wise council and perspective have stood us well in the past and I know he will continue to put us in good standing in the future. Whilst its going to be hard work I also know we are going to have a lot of fun!”

Peter Jenkins, VP Business Development said “I have seen Tim and Mark create one of the most respected Systems Integrators in the SaaS space, pioneering and leading from the front, whilst focused on creating a family supportive environment for everyone involved. It says a lot given the success of Certus Solutions, that they are both willing and committed to create de Novo and turn it into a powerhouse across the ServiceNow and Oracle SaaS ecosystems with a laser like focus on developing its people and creating customer success and advocacy. Looking forward to being part of this journey”.  ​

About de Novo Solutions

de Novo Solutions is a ServiceNow and Oracle Partner. It is a provider of industry vertical solutions, digital transformation and business support services for both ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud Applications.

About ServiceNow

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is making the world of work, work better for people. Our cloud-based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. For more information, visit:

About Oracle PartnerNetwork 

Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) is Oracle’s partner program designed to help enable partners to accelerate the transition to cloud and help drive superior customer business outcomes. The OPN program allows partners to engage with Oracle through track(s) aligned to how they go to market: Cloud Build for partners that provide products or services built on or integrated with Oracle Cloud; Cloud Sell for partners that resell Oracle Cloud technology; Cloud Service for partners that implement, deploy and manage Oracle Cloud Services; and License & Hardware for partners that build, service or sell Oracle software licenses or hardware products. Customers may be able to expedite their business objectives with OPN partners who have achieved Expertise in a product family or cloud service.  To learn more visit:   

ServiceNow are registered trademarks of ServiceNow Inc. and/or its affiliates.  
Oracle, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. 

Contact Info

de Novo Solutions 
Mark Sweeny 
+44(0) 1633 492 042 

Great coverage in ERP today with Mark Sweeny and Tim Warner being interviewed by Paul Esherwood around de Novo and the Experience Economy and the worlds of ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud applications.

Read the full story